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Working Safely Update July 2020

31 July 2020

Business Continuity - Working Safely Update 31st July 2020

Advance Maintenance UK Ltd
On 1st June 2020 Advanced Maintenance UK Ltd released our first blog, regarding the changes we have put into place in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Since our initial blog Advanced Maintenance UK Ltd have put in a number of amendments, and following changes by the United Kingdom Government, revealed yesterday in relation to the self-isolation period and non-essential travel abroad, we thought now would be a good time to update our customers and suppliers with all the changes applied to our Business Continuity Polices, since the initial blog release. 

Advanced Maintenance UK Ltd Updates

Overview of updates
• Monday 1st June 2020 - Outline of our Tool Box Talk and working safely completed by all AMUK employees and subcontractors before any work commenced.
• Tuesday 7th July 2020 - Further apprised with the additional clause regarding social distancing
• Friday 31st July 2020 - Further update for the conditions, regarding self-isolation relating to any potential COVID-19 related ill health and policy on returning to the UK from overseas or foreign holidays

Full breakdown of Business Continuity Policy 31st July 2020;

Social Distancing
All employees, contractors or representatives of Advanced Maintenance UK Ltd can comment on maintaining a safe distance required to carry out the works, this may also be by way of verbally communicating to the residents, business or site representatives concerned. 
If you find that your space is impinged, then please politely bring this to the attention of the relevant person for the job being undertaken. Our admin team will also be reiterating this, as much as possible, before any jobs are undertaken.

Site Visits and PPE
• Reiteration of current PPE rules – full gloves, masks, hand sanitiser to be used in all instances for all site visits to either residential or business premises
• Hand wash to be applied/used before and after each visit
• Keep workplaces clean
• Observe distancing
• Avoid touching contaminated surfaces
• Gloves and Masks to be put into a bag for either disposal and washing
• Uniforms to be washed regularly and full consideration applied to families

As is currently in place, assess each job and further assess, on access and egress on site
If in any doubt, with concerns once on site, then do not attend and contact the office to advise, this must be done before leaving the site, we will then update our customers accordingly
Do not take any risks

Self-Isolation and Corona Virus
• If you develop symptoms, then you should be tested as matter of urgency
• You must self-isolate if you have coronavirus symptoms and are awaiting a test result
• You must also self-isolate if you have tested positive for coronavirus
• You must also self-isolate if you are a member of the same household as someone who has symptoms or has tested positive for coronavirus
• You must also self-isolate if you have been in close recent contact with someone who has tested positive and received a notification to self-isolate from NHS test and trace.
• You will now be required to self-isolate for a period of 10 days 
• If you are still unwell, then you continue to Self-Isolate, seek medical help depending on your symptoms
• During this time, we would request that you abstain from any works for us, staying safe and staying at home 
• Only when safe to do so, return to undertake any work/contract duties, after the required time isolation period

If you travel outside of the UK, then we would require you to follow the current guidance in observing all rules around travel corridors and isolate for the required period

• Fully observe social distancing
• Do not touch surfaces in other area’s
• Ensure that hand washing is applied regularly
• Apply masks and gloves where required/needed
• Do not undertake refreshment rounds, these must be for individuals only
• Do not breach the pod area’s for office staff
We propose to continue to apply the above, all staff have a duty of care to safeguard our customers/clients/residents and themselves/representatives. We expect them to take all precautions required. 

Our staff will be continually checked on and sites assessed for risks accordingly. 

Track and Trace
Regarding Track and Trac App, this is not yet currently available to all. In the interim, the App will be uploaded and applied, when available.
Once installed and ready to go, all front line staff/representatives will have to adhere to the requirements, by feeding back information to us. As to whether a collective system can be adopted for businesses, this will not be known as yet. 
This is something that we will continue to monitor. A possible collective phone alert system may be an option, for the business as a whole, whereby any calls from the Track and Trace NHS number 0300 013 5000, can be pooled collectively for us to be pro-active and take immediate action.

Tool Box Talk - Front Line Staff/Representatives
All current front line staff/representatives and those returning to work, have attended a Tool Box Talk at 7.00am on Monday 1st June 2020 or on subsequent dates.  

Tool Box Talk – Admin Staff
A further Tool Box Talk has been run on Monday 1st June 2020 for the Administration Staff, including those returning to work.

Our policies and procedures will be by staff reporting, being pro-active, applying common sense and applying a duty of care and updating our risks and actioning accordingly. This will continue to be reviewed, following government guidelines and applying due diligence. We cannot afford to take any risks for our customers/clients/respective residents or businesses and primarily for our own front line staff/contractors or representatives. 

Advanced Maintenance UK Ltd has asked all our employee and contractors to that the above has been reviewed which must be completed before any further works can be undertaken.

NHS CORONAVIRUS (Text extracted from the NHS Coronavirus pages on 31st July 2020 at 10:41)

If you have symptoms or tested positive
Self-isolate for at least 10 days
You should self-isolate for at least 10 days if:
• you have symptoms of coronavirus and you tested positive, had an unclear result or did not have a test
• you tested positive but have not had symptoms

If you have symptoms, the 10 days starts from when they started.
If you have not had symptoms, the 10 days starts from when you had the test. But if you get symptoms while you're self-isolating, the 10 days restarts from when your symptoms started.

Stop self-isolating after 10 days if you feel OK
You can stop self-isolating after 10 days if either:
• you do not have any symptoms
• you just have a cough or changes to your sense of smell or taste – these can last for weeks after the infection has gone

Keep self-isolating if you feel unwell
Keep self-isolating if you have any of these symptoms after 10 days:
• a high temperature or feeling hot and shivery
• a runny nose or sneezing
• feeling or being sick
• diarrhoea
• loss of appetite
Only stop self-isolating when these symptoms have gone.
If you have diarrhoea or you’re being sick, stay at home until 48 hours after they've stopped.

If you live with someone who has symptoms or tested positive
Self-isolate for 14 days
You should self-isolate for 14 days if you live with (or are in a support bubble with) someone who:
• has symptoms of coronavirus and tested positive, had an unclear result or did not have a test
• tested positive but has not had symptoms
The 14 days starts from:
• when the first person in your home or support bubble started having symptoms
• the day they were tested, if they have not had symptoms
This is because it can take 14 days for symptoms to appear.

Stop self-isolating after 14 days if you do not get symptoms
You can stop self-isolating after 14 days if you do not get any symptoms.

Keep self-isolating and get a test if you get symptoms
Get a test to check if you have coronavirus if you get symptoms while you're self-isolating.
If your test is negative, you should keep self-isolating for the rest of the 14 days.
If your test is positive, you should self-isolate for 10 days from when your symptoms started. This might mean you're self-isolating for longer than 14 days overall.

If you’ve been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace
If you’ve been in close contact with someone who has coronavirus, you may get a text, email or call from the NHS Test and Trace service.
They may tell you to self-isolate for 14 days.

PLEASE NOTE: Advanced Maintenance UK Ltd always recommends checking directly with the NHS Coronavirus website and Government Coronavirus website for the very latest safety advice as they subject to continuous change and whilst we endeavor to keep this page up to date the advice may change quicker than we are able to update.
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by Kellie Pickett 5 May 2024
Today, the team at Advanced Maintenance UK Ltd had the privilege of participating in Denefield School's Careers Day 2024. This event provided a unique opportunity for us to engage with bright young minds and share insights into the dynamic field of plumbing and maintenance. This year's event was particularly special for us as it allowed us to connect with students across all year groups and inspire the next generation of professionals. Our Director, Ricky Gale, led the charge, supported by Operations Manager Tony Williams, Accounts Assistant Donna Endean, and Quality Manager Kellie Pickett. Each team member brought their unique expertise and passion to the event, creating an enriching experience for the students. Throughout the day, the team engaged with students in meaningful discussions about the path to becoming a plumber. One of the most exciting aspects of our discussions was exploring the future technologies that await the next generation of plumbers. We delved into advancements such as smart plumbing systems, sustainable materials, and innovative tools that are set to revolutionise the industry. These technologies not only promise to make plumbing more efficient and environmentally friendly but also open up new avenues for innovation and career growth. A highlight of the day was the hands-on experience with the press gun, led by Tony and Ricky. The students' excitement and the brilliant results they achieved demonstrated the value of practical learning. A big thank you to Denefield School for the opportunity to participate in this inspiring event. The event not only allowed us to inspire young minds but also reinforced our commitment to community engagement and professional development. Engaging with the students and sharing our knowledge and passion was a rewarding experience for our team. Community engagement events like these are crucial for building a brighter future and fostering the next generation of leaders and innovators. We look forward to future collaborations and continuing to support the leaders of tomorrow. Together, we are building a brighter future.
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